I have started collecting notary records of the towns I have indexed, specifically for San Fili, Bucita, and S. Vincenzo la Costa. Some towns have indexes available of all the notary records available while in other towns I have indexed only the marriage contracts (Capitoli Matrimoniali) and last testaments (Testamento). These records will be updated as I collect more. Definitely good records to extend research when church records do not exist.
A note about these records:
They are stored in the Cosenza Archives. A local genealogist can be hired at a reasonable price to retrieve the record. Contact me if you want more information.
Every record is different and there isn't a guarantee that anything of value will be recorded. These were legal documents, not genealogical documents.
Typically for the testamento records, it will list heirs including spouse and children. Usually, the year of the testament is when the person died but there are times that a testament is created years before their death and the information is then outdated by time they died.
Typically for the marriage contract records, you will have the name of the bride and her parents. It will also list other family members if they are putting something towards the dowery, such as land or possessions. Typically siblings or uncles/aunts. Sometimes there may be information about the parents of the groom, but less likely compared to the bride.
Finally, these records only reflect a small glimpse of the town. Not everyone shows up in notary records, the lists are not complete lists of all marriages/deaths occurring in a town.
Notaio Ignazio Donnici Capitoli Matrimoniali 1766-1783, 1787-1809 **Updated November 2023**
Notaio Ignazio Donnici Testamento 1764-1783, 1787-1809
Marano Marchesato:
Notaio Giuseppe Occhiuti Capitoli Matrimoniali 1770-1804 **Updated November 2023**
Notaio Girolamo Occhiuti Capitoli Matrimoniali 1802-1809
Notaio Francesco Antonio Mazziotta Capitoli Matrimoniali 1786-1809
Notaio Francesco Antonio Mazziotta Testamento 1786-1809
Notaio Giovanni Gatti Capitoli Matrimoniali 1780-1808
Notaio Giovanni Gatti Testamento 1780-1808
San Fili:
Notaio Antonio Gentile Matrimoniali 1749-1769 **New January 2024**
Notaio Antonio Gentile Testamento 1749-1769 **New January 2024**
Notaio Michele Gentile Capitoli Matrimoniali 1781-1809 **Updated January 2024**
Notaio Serafino Parise Capitoli Matrimoniali 1797-1809 **Updated December 2023**
Notaio Santo Molezzi Capitoli Matriomoniali 1764-1804 **New December 2023**
S. Vincenzo la Costa:
Notaio Tommaso Le Coche Capitoli Matrimoniali 1788-1800
Notaio Tommaso Le Coche Capitoli Testamento 1788-1800